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Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Patriot's Dream ...

It's the new craze in my part of the world. Everyone has something to say about it. It's splashed across the papers, it resounds on the radio and television, it's the agenda on every executive meeting, and the buzz on every street corner.
What are we talking about? ... in one word: PATRIOTISM!

Yes, yes, i know, it's more popularly being called 'rebranding,' but think about it. Why would anyone go through the trouble of branding or rebranding something? It would inevitably involve a significant amout of work: time, money, manpower, discipline, sacrifice, vision, perseverance ... etc; therefore, no one could undertake such a task successfully unless they actually, truly, loved whatever it is they are 'branding' or 'rebranding.'
In this case, the object of all this rebranding effort is an entire country; so, if the efforts are to yield lasting success, the persons undertaking the effort must actually love this country - in other words, they must be patriots! Otherwise, all efforts will as effective as building a tower on sinking sand.
So there you have it - you call it rebranding, i say GREAT! On your marks ... Get set ... Rebrand!
BUT first, you must have a patriot's heart, and you must have a patriot's dream ...

What exactly is a patriot's dream? I could explain, but I think it would be more effective if you actually 'saw' one - please, allow me. It happened like this:
It was the evening of boxing day 2007, the close of a very frustrating day; there was no power, so i sat in the dark in my little living room, and i let my mind roam free. I thought about my country, how incredibly blessed we are, yet the average person is unable to enjoy these blessings, why? ... but looking beyond the depressing circumstances around me, and imagining the possibilities that could be, I had a 'dream.' So i took pen to paper and wrote these words...

Land of My Dreams
Copyright © Ifueko Ogbomo 2007

I dream of a land, a land of peace
Whose people are always content
I dream of a land, a land of progress
Whose resources are never ill-spent
I dream of a land, a land of faith
There’s belief in a better tomorrow
I dream of a land, a land of unity
All join in the fight to end sorrow
I dream of this land, by day and by night
Its beauty and splendour remain in my sight
Every man and woman, every girl and boy
Young and old, are all filled with such joy!

Where is this land of my dreams?
Where is this land of my future?
It has captured my heart
It’s my land, my home

This land of my dreams, is Nigeria, can’t you see?
Oh, how I long to make my dream come true
But I can’t on my own; I need you to join me
And together we’ll make this land brand new
Yes I pledge to Nigeria, land of my dreams
To be faithful and honest, loyal and true
I pledge to Nigeria, land of my dreams
With all of my strength I will serve her anew
I pledge to defend her unity
To abide by her laws and her creed
Of fear and doubt I have no need
For with God on my side, I am sure to succeed

Nigeria, land of my dreams
Nigeria, land of my future
Nigeria, has captured my heart
Nigeria, my home

Though many in cultures, in tribes and in tongue
Our hearts beat as one, so let’s sing this new song:
Nigeria, Land of our dreams
Nigeria, Land of our future
Nigeria, it has captured our hearts
Nigeria, our blessed home!

_ _ _

Last Words:
In March this year, the Nigerian Government officially launched a rebranding process, with a well-chosen slogan: 'Good People, Great Nation.' As I heard the news, I smiled to myself and thought, ahhh ... perhaps, my dream is coming true. I pray with all my patriot's heart that it is so.

Patriotic and Unashamed.
- Lady InspiroLogos

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beneath My Lovely Mask

Everyone wears a mask of some sort! None of us is perfect, no matter how beautiful we appear on the outside. Thus some people are extremely pretentious, perhaps trying to impress others or gain favor, while secretly afraid that if they show their true selves, they will be rejected. Indeed, we have all experienced fair-weather friends who 'love' us when the going is good, or 'love' us for our outward appearance, or 'love' us because of some benefit they can gain from us, only to disappear when the tide turns against us. It's a harsh reality.
Ahh, but deep down, we all desire to be loved for who we really are, and accepted exactly as we are. In expression of this deep desire, I wrote a poem. This poem is very dear to my heart, and is now being celebrated because it was my final piece and the winning piece at a recent performance poetry contest. (You can read a newspaper publication about my championship at this link )
And now, i'd like to share my poem with you:

Beneath My Lovely Mask
Copyright © Ifueko Ogbomo 2009

The applause is thunderous! The Cheers are deafening! Everyone is out of their seats!
I feel like a goddess, as they blow kisses at me and throw roses at my feet
Encore! Encore! They scream; longing for another captivating performance
So they can bask in my presence; as my enchanting words and melodious voice fill their hearts with romance
Backstage they’ll be scrambling over each other, hoping to get my autograph,
Pleading to have a memento of me, a personal item, or even just a photograph
The men will ask to have drinks with me, some will stammer, some can only stare,
The ladies promise to name their little girls after me, all to show how much they care
I smile politely, embrace occasionally, and wonder to how this can be
Do they truly love me, and would they still love me, if they knew me,
The frightened child beneath the flawless celebrity
Me, beneath my lovely mask.

Fashionably late, and dressed to kill, I glide into the circular hall
It’s almost comical, tiresomely predictable; I’m instantly appraised by one and all
Calmly making my way to the VIP section, my perfume leaving a sweet scent in the air;
I hear snatches of the conversations, as I part the sea of admiring glances and the occasional envious glare
'What beauty,' they say, 'what poise, an incredible figure,' and 'did you see her flawless face?'
'What lovely long legs, and luscious hair, what a dazzling smile, oh my, such grace'
Holding my head high, I quietly take my seat, disregarding the flattery that assaults my ears
I am sure they would neither envy me, nor lust after me, if they knew my silent tears
The sad girl beneath the stunning woman,
Me, beneath my lovely mask

What a day! - A book signing, cocktail dinner, and yet another proposal
Let’s see, that’s the third this week, nothing special, he said the usual
How my beauty is beyond compare, my face altogether breathtaking, a priceless work of art
My voice, soft and sonorous, music to his ears; and my lips pure perfection when they part
My skin is smooth as silk, the shade of lightly creamed chocolate, and my eyes, he says, oh my eyes
The entire solar system does not hold a candle to the depth or the glory in my beautiful brown eyes
Did I tell you he claims to think of me all day and dream of me all night
And that if I could only be his, he’d love me always, and never have another in thought or in sight
Ha! All this from someone who knows neither my dress size nor my favourite song,
Let alone the things that touch my heart - what a travesty, a shame, oh, an undeserved wrong!

“Why not take the mask off?” you ask, “let all see the real you;” alas you have struck upon my deepest fear
You see I did take it off once - I unveiled my eyes, revealed my heart, and allowed all to come near
But then the admiring glances became non-existent, the gifts and praise, inconsistent
My many fans became oh so few, and the once pledged faithful became untrue
No, no, no, indeed, I cannot afford this flawless facade to fade
No matter how lonely or lithesome I be, I cannot, I must not, this lovely mask trade
Don’t you see, if I unmask myself, he’ll discover my luscious hair is artificially enhanced
He’ll find out my long legs are actually unequal, and my silken skin is spotted and scarred
He’ll see my eyes are pools of sorrow that nightly swell and spill over, soaking my satin sheets
And my dazzling smile is masterfully doctored, to veil my bleeding heart
Alas the undying love he now professes, would vanish like vapour before a boisterous breeze
And then what would I be left with? ... Loneliness. Misery. Emptiness. Dis-ease.

Therefore don’t ask me to take my lovely mask off, NO!
Don’t let me unveil my sorrowful brown eyes,
I implore you
Please, don’t make me reveal my broken and bleeding heart,
I beseech you
For I cannot, I cannot! Let me be! Let me lie still, beneath my mask
It is flawless, stunning, it’s perfect, and day after day, I must keep it on
Secretly hoping that one day, one memorable day, someone special will come along
Someone kind, compassionate, patient enough, to slowly, softly uncover me
Someone who’ll see my flaws, my scars, my tears and nevertheless, embrace me
Someone who will love the frightened, lonely, sad, little girl, hiding deep within me
Will Someone please Love me, beneath my lovely mask ...

_ _ _ _ _

Last Words:
There is only one true, unconditional, undeserved, irrevocable and everlasting love, and that is the love of a perfect God, for an imperfect human - the love that God has for you!
God sooooo loved you, that he sent his ONLY Son Jesus to die in your stead, so that you could live forever!
If you can believe that Love, and receive that love, it'll change your life for good and forever!
- Lady InspiroLogos

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Meet Miss Mosquito

You can never laugh too many times in one day!
A merry heart does good like medicine, so it says in Proverbs 17:22.
Now we all know life is not a bed of roses, (if you didn't know that, just keep living!). Therefore I conclude that merriness of heart has more to do with perception than actual circumstances. If you look hard enough, you'll find something to smile about even in circumstances or people that seem completely negative! Let me give you a personal example: I think mosquitoes are the most insufferable creatures, they've caused me hours, days and weeks of misery, an inummerable number of times, and i'd no sooner be rid of the lot of them!!!
One day, I took a closer look at mosquitoes, and thanks to my hyperactive imagination, I found something to make me smile, and as usual, found a creative way to say it! Enjoy!

Miss Mosquito, the fairest of all
Copyright © Ifueko Ogbomo 2009

Miss Mosquito fancies herself to be, the fairest and most fortunate of all creation
She is delicate in frame, yet wherever she goes, she commands undivided attention
She has the most sonorous of voices, for whenever she sings, fervent clapping begins
She is skilled in her art, yet so soft in her touch, and treats great and small the same
She hails from a prestigious lineage indeed; her ancestral accomplishments are world-renown
Thousands of books, documentaries and even songs, celebrate the Mosquito family name

The rich and poor, the young and old, all have felt her unmistakable impact
She’s the talk of the town and it’s a well known fact that her favourite colour is RED!
A celebrity, no doubt Miss Mosquito is, but she knows not to believe all the press
She’s aware of her many enemies, green with envy they wish she was dead
So she tries to remain down to earth, often retreating to still waters and quiet halls
And she keeps away from the noisy crowds, preferring the company of one instead

After an all-day beauty sleep, she awakens at sunset, and carefully plans her night
So much to do and so little time, such a hassle for one is as diligent as she
But all work and no play will ruin Miss Mosquito’s day, and no one can play alone
So she must find herself a lucky man, yes, she’ll surprise him with a visit at home
Having groomed with utmost care, and dressed to kill, she’s off on her evening quest
No need to call in advance, experience has proved, she is always a welcome guest
The man may play hard to get, but he’ll doubtless lie still, feigning sleep while awaiting her piercing kiss
She will swiftly oblige, and if he is receptive, also present him her famously fatal gift
Of course she knows what’s next – the lucky devil abruptly ‘re-awakens’ shouting for joy
He’ll never say so, but He’s obviously pleased for he’s up on his feet, dancing around like a little boy
Mission accomplished, miss mosquito gracefully heads home, her sense of self-satisfaction unequalled
She’s absolutely certain her sweet songs and unforgettable kisses, will again be warmly welcomed!

_ _ _ _ _

Remember to Smile Wide, Laugh Hard, and Spread the Joy!
Lady InspiroLogos

Monday, May 4, 2009

Three Little Words

Copyright © Ifueko Ogbomo 2009

They're just three little words, seven English letters; one might easily dismiss them as insignificant
A hasty conclusion that would be, for they are perhaps of all words, the most significant
Though sometimes seeming brand new, they’re as ancient as speech and maybe even time itself
And there isn’t a language that has been or will be, that is without these three little words

These three little words when voiced, elicit an astoundingly diverse range of reactions
Anything from tears to tremors, scorn to surprise, from disgust to desire, envy to ecstasy
They can cause a blood-curling chill, or result in a spine-tingling thrill
Dependent upon the manner of the speaker, but more so on the perception of the hearer

Three little words, so few; but many are the contexts in which they are used:
The soccer-crazy husband glued to the TV says them to silence his nagging wife
And the gold-digging vixen craftily uses them to ensnare an unsuspecting millionaire
An obsessed, deranged killer might even say them remorsefully as he sobs over his dying victim
Indeed, many parents use them to soothe the sorrows of their freshly-spanked kids

Yes, they’re often heard, but more often misunderstood; often said, but more often silently left unsaid
These words can be scribbled, stamped, simply stated or even screamed, but they’re best softly spoken;
For then they are able to break the strongest of men, and mend the most broken of hearts
Many have tried and failed to comprehend how something three little words could be so powerful!

Uttered carelessly or consciously, irrespective of gender or age, we all say them now and then
Three little words that could mean entirely nothing, but could change absolutely everything
And from the one we hold most dear, they are the sweetest music to our ears
That wonder-working, life-changing, heart-warming phrase of three simple, little, magic words
- I Love You.

In Conclusion
Don't you think there's someone who you really need to say those three little words to right now? Call them. Send them a text. Maybe an email. Betterstill, say it in person. And don't wait another minute, because life can be unexpectedly short - make it good to the last drop!

Get inspired, Stay inspired, Go inspire!
- Lady InspiroLogos

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What's the colour of Love?

Copyright © Ifueko Ogbomo 2008

What is the colour of love? Maybe Red?
A dozen red roses, perfectly scented, handpicked and delivered to your door,
Champagne on ice, served with juicy strawberries, who wouldn’t ask for more?
The lady in the fiery red dress - every curve accentuated;

You ask her name, she slowly leans over and whispers “call me Devon
With perfect manicure, 6-inch heels and shimmering red lips to match,

you think to yourself, ‘man, I’ve died and gone to heaven!’
Salsa caliente! Two bodies moving as one, to the rhythm of the congas, and the beat of the drum!

Oh the Passion, you forget that you’ve only just met;
your hearts racing, as you break out in a sweat
What’s the colour of love? Some say, Flaming Hot RED!

What’s the colour of love? Perhaps Blue?
6-foot plus, a six-pack to match, funny and charming too
Cool, calm, and collected, and he’s got his eye on You
the perfect gentleman, opens doors for you, and says “I’m sorry” when he’s wrong
listens to every word you say, and girl, he even remembers your favorite song
with a smile so warm it melts your heart, and you know you can’t say No
to that voice, a beautiful baritone, saying “I just called to say hello
you’re the envy of your friends, they say he’s too good to be true
It’s only been three dates, but in your heart you know, he’s the man for you!
What’s the colour of love? you might say simply true BLUE!

What’s the colour of love? Depends; what’s love to you?
I know a Love, one that is true, a love that’s gentle and so mild
It’s loyal and trusting, like the innocence of a child
It’s patient and kind, not known for pride, malice or greed
It’s pure in thought, in motive, in word and in deed
Selflessly putting others first, it seems somewhat maternal
But taking a closer look, you see it’s much more; called ‘Agape’ it’s eternal
What’s the colour of love? Some say Red, others Blue, there’s no need to fight
It’s obvious to me, ask any bride and she’ll say, the colour of love is WHITE! :-)

But does love really have a colour?” you ask. Yes indeed! and I'll show you, but I need you to first answer me:

What’s the colour of a starving family, getting a hot meal from a stranger?
Of nakedness clothed in beauty, or being rescued from intense danger?
What’s the colour of complete guilt deserving of judgement, instead receiving mercy and abundant grace;
You’re dreading disdain, but receiving honour, you expect a cold shoulder, but get a warm embrace;
Tell me the colour of a man laying down his life for another
One that’s neither father, nor mother, not sister or brother
Tell me that, and then my friend, the colour of love I need not name
For THAT colour and Love’s hue are one and the same!


There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.
But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.
In this is love, not that we loved God but that He loved us, and sent His son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins. We love Him because He first loved us.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
He who does not love, does not know God, for God is Love.
... 1 John 4:8,10,11,18,19