Through My Eyes: Then and Now! takes you on an inspiring journey of loss, loneliness, laughter and love! As the author shares true stories from her personal battle with sickle cell disease, her honesty, quick wit and conversational style will get your attention from touching start to triumphant finish. Furthermore, no matter who you are and/or what challenge you face, the author's surprising survival strategy is sure to inspire you!
… an awesome book about pain, and the triumph of faith … the author is at once teacher, preacher, pain-bearer and friend… AN INCREDIBLE READ. A REAL PAGE-TURNER. EUGENIA ABU – award-winning essayist, broadcaster and author of ‘In the Blink of an Eye.’
… [this book] has positively influenced my care for patients with Sickle Cell Disease. A MUST READ. DR. OCHE OGBE – Chief Consultant Haematologist, National Hospital, Abuja, Nigeria.
… I propose this book and the wealth of experience of the writer to every reader … A MASTERPIECE … TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT! REV. GOODHEART O. EKWUEME - Visionary: National JAM Praise Festival & Winning Today Broadcast; Senior Pastor: The REFUGE, House on The Rock, Abuja, Nigeria.
Ifueko Fex Ogbomo (a.k.a. Lady InspiroLogos) is a multi-talented writer, performance poet, voice-artist and speaker. She focuses on inspiring people to achieve fulfilling lives regardless of background, race, gender, age and physical challenges. She resides in Abuja, Nigeria. This is her first book.
From the Author................................12
PART 1: THEN...................................14
Chapter 1: In a World of Pain..................15
Chapter 2: It’s a Girl!........................23
Chapter 3: In English, Please!.................29
Chapter 4: Growing Pains.......................39
Chapter 5: My Brother, My Friend - A Tribute...55
Chapter 6: A Miraculous Recovery...............67
Chapter 7: Afflictions Arise Again.............79
Chapter 8: The ‘Real’ World....................87
PART 2: NOW!...................................102
Chapter 9: A New Friend, and My Secret Medicine...103
Chapter 10: Diagnosis Y-O-U!......................123
Chapter 11: Impossible is Nothing!................141
Chapter 12: My Hall of Fame.......................157
Chapter 1: In a World of Pain
Thursday, January 4th 2007 - I’ve been staring at the same spot on the ceiling for the last three HOURS. I can almost hear each hurried beat of my overworked heart, and I count each one. I’m just waiting … I lay down, motionless, except for the intermittent rise and fall of my chest. As I draw in each excruciating breath, I feel as though a hundred knives are being driven through my entire chest and back, only to be viciously ripped out and mercilessly driven in again, and again, and again… I’m just waiting… if I had to qualify what I feel right now, the words excruciating, agonizing and tormenting come to mind ... A lone tear slowly makes its way down my face as I remember the countless times I’ve been in similar situations over the years ... Oh God, I really don’t know how much more of this I can take ...
Chapter 3: In English, Please!
Actually, I’m not a doctor, and while I can give you my definition based on more than a quarter-of-a-century of personal experience, permit me to give the medical explanation instead: Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is a genetic, hereditary, chronic, life-long blood disease, with several short and long-term complications; most common of which are bouts of pain that last for hours, days or even weeks at a time; anaemia or low blood counts, and chronic tissue/organ damage
... in sickle cell patients, the bone marrow produces red blood cells whose lifespan is only 12 to 17 days instead of the usual 90 - 120 days. These short-lived red cells frequently change shape from the normal round (discoid) into the abnormal ‘sickle’ shape, and clump together forming blood clots, which block the tiny vessels that supply blood to various parts of the body, therefore leading to the bouts of pain that range from mild to excruciating. This disease is not a respecter of race, as it can affect persons of ANY race. However research shows it is more prevalent in persons with ancestors from the following places: Africa, India, Southern Greece, Southern Italy, and the Middle East...
...over 4 million out of the total estimated 150 million Nigerians have SCD.
A Word to the Wise ...
If you are a single adult, in fact, if you are a human being and you have reached puberty ... then read the following carefully: If you don’t know your genotype, put this book down right now and go to the nearest hospital or genotype-testing centre and get yourself tested (then come back and finish the book ☺). I’m serious! ... when you meet someone of the opposite sex who you think you even remotely like, believe me, the first question you should ask, after ‘what’s your name?’ is not ‘where are you from?’ but ‘what’s your genotype?’ ... ‘Oh come on’ you might be saying, ‘SCD can’t be that bad!’ Really? Please, permit me to enlighten you ...
Chapter 4: Growing Pains
Being a regular teenage girl is difficult enough what with having to juggle parents, periods, pimples and of course peer-pressure, but in my case I had one more ‘P’ thrown into that mix - you got it: PAIN! One particular experience comes to mind at this point in time. I forget the exact date, but the happenings I remember quite vividly …
I wake up mid-morning on a cold October day and I can tell this is going to be a loooong day. ‘Rise and Shine!’ … Let me rephrase that - in this case its ‘Rise and Whine!’ Oh my goodness, I feel as though every last bone in my hips and legs has just been shattered.
The year: 1994.
The Place: My mom’s bedroom.
The event: You got it - Another Crisis.
Clenching my teeth in order not to scream the house down, I slowly pull my legs up so my knees are bent and my feet are flat on the bed and then I discover it. At first I think I’m seeing things (which wouldn’t surprise me, this level of pain could send anyone insane) so I close my eyes and re-open them. Nope, it’s still there - unbelievable. So I yell “Mo-mmy!” and immediately my mom comes dashing into the room. I promptly inform her the following: “Mommy look, one leg has grown longer than the other.” At first I’m quite certain she thinks I’m suffering from pain-induced dementia, (who could blame her) but indulging me she takes a closer look and after a thorough inspection confirms my suspicions. In fact, believe it or not, the femur or thigh bone in my left thigh had ‘grown’ an inch and a half longer than that of my right thigh, overnight. ... Incredible.
So what happened next? Of course we were off to the hospital where I was promptly hooked up to ‘drip’ (intravenous fluids) and given very strong pain-relievers. For 2 weeks my legs felt like they belonged to someone or something else and after the pain was gone, there was the process of learning to walk properly all over again. (Needless to say all this time as is usual in crises, I’m missing school, which means TONS of make-up assignments and tests waiting for me when I return.) By the time I was able to return to school, I began to have severe backaches because I was now walking on un-even legs. This led to my having to carry a special chair with me to school in order to give my back proper support - as if I didn’t already have enough reasons for my schoolmates to make fun of me...
Chapter 9: A New Friend… and My Secret Medicine
My life was like a continuous series of wanderings through deep, damp, dark and seemingly unending tunnels. That was then, this is now! ... “What’s life like for me NOW?” Well, it’s just that – Life! I’m alive! I’m happy, and I don’t mean ‘lounging-around-eating-grapes-and-listening-to-the-birds-sing-while-staring-at-a-rainbow-in-the-beautiful-blue-skies’ kind of happy, I’m talking about real joy ... I’m optimistic, I’m full of hope and I’m not afraid of anything anymore ... I Am Free ... Well, what happened? I’m glad you asked. It’s simple really - I made a friend ...
_ _ _
Want to read the full story? ORDER YOUR COPY** TODAY!
**Copies available from January 31, 2011.
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InspiroLogos World Health Foundation (IWHF)
Email: inspirologosworld@yahoo.com
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Hey you have a beautiful inspirational story to tell. Is your book online for those of us who live abroad? Thanks